I’ve noticed an annoying bug - I’m sad to say it has been there for a while, but today I decided to bite the bullet and let you know. Nothing major!
Here is the scenario:
I want to export a model to another format (IGES) say
I select my objects and click on “export selected”
I get the file dialog. I am saving the file in several formats (one at a time), so I may have a file called “myexportfile.3dm” already in the folder. Since I want to name the file the same name (but different extension), I click on the file, and then change the file type (as IGES, for example)
When I click “export” the file gets saved over the first file I clicked on (in this case myexportfile.3dm), NOT the new files with the new extension. (myexportfile.igs).
Its a tiny annoyance, but I’ve bumped up against it enough times that I figure it should be noted.
I did a quick test on this(even though i never encountered this problem before)
I think what you are doing is clicking the existing file and keeping its extension as part of the name.
So what you should do is removing the extension part, let’s say .OBJ for example while keeping the name.
Miled_Rizk, I agree. This is pretty common older Windows behavior, wherever the file name is displayed prior to choosing the file type. In fact, I’m having a hard time finding older software where exporting with a file-type change does NOT exhibit this behavior. MS Word 2007 does this but it has been fixed in Word 2016. There, the file type selection window comes up before you can edit the file name.
I was wondering whether it was an OS issue, or a Rhino issue. When I select the .3dm file, the filename doesn’t actually show an extension (global windows setting?), so it may very well be that when I change the file type using the drop-down, the extension of the filename doesn’t get changed…