BUG Dimensions on extrusion do not update

(8.7.24121.13001, 2024-04-30)

2024-05-03_History.3dm (860.9 KB)

The left object is an extrusion, the right one a polysurface.
When I move the selected faces, only the dimension at the polysurface gets updated.

"Historie konnte 1 Objekt nicht aktualisieren."

I’m quite sure that was ok in last weeks SR candidate.

The bug is logged here. Thanks for reporting it.

Hi Charles -

This is also the case in earlier versions.
… but, it depends on which sub-surface you move. As long as the extrusion object remains an extrusion object, dimensions will update. If you change the footprint of the extrusion object, turning it into a polysurface, the dimension history is broken.

Moral of the story… don’t use extrusions unless you really need them…. Which is almost never.

I’m not against using extrusion objects, as long as the difference is not visible to the user.
I can’t imagine someone is interested in “lightweight”, to me it’s a technical coding aspect to reduce data.

Fortunately we have _UseExtrusions.

Right, I mean -

doesn’t this kinda defeat at least one of the purposes of using extrusions?