Bug: conversion of text to plane fails

@Joseph_Oster’s solution with Data Output is definitely performant, but on the Data Input side, it takes about as long to bring the data back in as it does to export because you are importing the whole data tree. Hacking a post from @DavidRutten 's post here, I was able to get a user input for the Destination filename working in a C# component (specifically for planes). This component takes about 3 times as long as the native Data Output (likely due to casting), which isn’t great, but you get individual ghdata files for each branch of the tree. Bringing the individual ghdata files back in with a C# component takes a fraction of the time of the full tree Data Input component. So, depending on whether you need to re-import the data multiple times, breaking out the branches of planes into individual ghdata files may save you time.

20210801_ExportData.gh (20.8 KB)

@andheum would your approach from this post work now as part of MetaHopper?