Bug: Clipping plane not updating, when GPU tessellation is off

Hi @stevebaer,

the clipping plane doesn’t work correctly, when drawing a curve and GPU tessellation is off.

curve_clipping_corrupted.3dm (807.5 KB)
SystemInfo.txt (2.2 KB)



Hi Michael -

Thanks. On my end, I don’t need a clipping plane to make this not work.
RH-84709 Display: Curve Drawing Issue when GPU Tessellation is Off

Is there a reason you have tesselation turned off?

Hi Wim,

sorry about the misunderstanding. I was talking about the internal clipping of the viewport, not the Rhino command _ClippingPlane.

Thanks again


Hi Steve,

I was testing the curve quality, therefore I’ve switched GPU tesselation off.



RH-84709 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14 Release Candidate