Bug: Changing Objects Material from Use Layer Material ignored

setting a an object material to “use layer material” first then editing that material in the layer panel and trying to later switch material directly in the properties material panel is ignored one has to use a different material first to get it to unlock from the use layer material. it though looks at first as it works but if you click in the viewport and then on the object it is still assigned to layer material

i am not sure when that happened i am sure though that this worked before.

one hint is that this material had a duplicate, did not try if that is the same issue with only one.

Version 8 (8.16.25028.13002, 2025-01-28)

I did the following:

  1. add a box, set to default material in object material properties
  2. switch perspective to Rendered mode
  3. add two materials from the material library to an empty file
  4. set one material to active layer as material
  5. change box object material properties to Use Layer Material
  6. switch to Layer panel
    1. click on material
    2. in floating material editor change material (base color change, texture amount change so you get visible different color)
    3. close floating material editor after changes
  7. select box
  8. switch to Materials panel
  9. right-click unused material, select “Assign to objects”
    1. note that box gets material assigned
  10. switch to Object material properties
    1. note that object material is set to the new material, not to “Use Layer Material”

Are these the steps you took? I found your description a bit hard to follow.

Anyway, works good here in 8.17.25029.18002