as soon as i made a curve block
Hi Ivan -
From your brief description, I can’t reproduce that issue here.
I see any curve on the plane of the clipping plane becoming poorly visible and put that on the list as RH-83623 Display: Poorly Visible Curves on Zero-Depth ClippingPlane
If that’s not what you are reporting, please post a 3dm file…
it seems to happen with vertical curves, i am sending file, there is a block in the middle of the section, select it, explode it and you will see it.
bug invisible block clipping plane.3dm (121.3 KB)
Hi Ivan -
Thanks for that file. Was that block placed in that location relative to the clipping plane far from the origin to start with? There seems to be some tolerance issue going on here that I can’t create from scratch.
→ RH-83644 Display: Geometry Not Visible on Zero-Depth Clipping Plane
i created the example file from the scratch near 0