Block A (R7) is referenced in Block B (R7)
Block B is referenced in Block C (R8)
All files are opened.
Block A changes, Save.
In Block B, Block A is shown as newer version, update Block A, Block A is now the newer version, Save.
In Block C, both Block A and Block B are not show as newer version, update Block B and choose that imported blocks replace existing blocks, Block B is now the newer version, but Block A stays in the previous version.
Upon closing and opening Block C both the prompt and the block manager show that Block A is a newer version.
This is unexpected, if block B is updated and all its blocks replaced for the newer ones, block A should be the newer one.
In addition, when Block A is updated within Block C, the geometry doesn’t change.
When Block C is saved and reopened, the geometry is not updated but there’s no indication of newer versions.
I am not sure if this is due to the size of the file (shouldn’t), if it is a problem in Rhino 8 in general or because the references are Rhino7 files.
It is happening in a larger file that I cannot share, and I don’t have time to try to replicate in a simpler setting.