Bridge with sub-d not working right?

I’m not sure how to explain this small error. I am working with sub-d for the first time and im designing a human body base. I am bridging arms to a main body. I am mirroring the sub-d manually so it might just be me missing something but let me get to the main point. I can bridge one side while i cannot bridge the other side.

When selecting the second edgeloop it just asks me to select the second edgeloop again in an infinite loop. I attached the file. I have no idea how to fix this. Any ideas?

RoboBunny.3dm (1.3 MB)

Hello @sea1

Although you mirrored the arms, your trunk object is not symmetrical, so this is the procedure to do below:

1- Delete the Arm that is not bridging:

2- run “Reflect” Command on the trunk, select the Reflection plane.


4- Run Bridge command on the side of the arm, and it should automatically apply to the other side.

Thank you very much @tay.othman you’ve been a big help

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please click the solution button so other people know this topic is solved

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is that a new addition? I don’t think that was here last time i was active on the forums

I don’t know when it was added but it certainly helps frequent users distinguish between unsolved and solved topics.