Brep Splitting for 3D Printing

Though it wasn’t robust in splitting the extremely complex SubD shape in this thread, the method I used was interesting enough for me to turn it into a general purpose cluster: SplitSrfs

I’ve rewritten it several different ways and am perplexed by the behavior of PxS (Plane Through Shape), a standard GH component that is internal to this cluster. It appears to ignore the supplied plane and always use ‘WorldXY’, as seen here in R8?

The code was written in R7 and behaves the same in R7 and R8. The purple group at the bottom offers a choice of boxes or cones as test geometry (Value List switch in blue group). Another Value List switch at the upper right offers rotated planes or ‘WorldXY’ for all. (32.4 KB)

Internal to the SplitSrfs cluster:

It works but what is going on with Plane Through Shape?

P.S. OH! I think I see it now. The planes supplied to PxS are not affected by the planes supplied to the cluster :interrobang: Having written this multiple ways, I didn’t see that until now.

Still… why do the surfaces extend so far beyond the shapes?