Brep.CreateFromOffsetFace documentation (loose option)

Hi @dale,

there seems to be an error in Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateFromOffsetFace documentation:

Use 0.0 to make a loose offset. Otherwise, the document’s absolute tolerance is usually sufficient.

When i try to do above using 0.0 as tolerance, Rhino 6 SR34 and Rhino 7 SR6 (Windows) both hang. Rhino 6 never comes back, Rhino 7 after +90s. I’ve found that using Rhino.RhinoMath.UnsetValue instead works to create a loose result.


Hi @clement,

As usual, I need a sample model and some sample code that I can run here to repeat.


– Dale

Hi @dale, sorry please find both below. (835 Bytes)
BrepCreateFromOffsetFaceExample.3dm (48.6 KB)


Hey @clement,

I didn’t try V6. But V7 doesn’t hang with a tolerance of 0.0, albeit a slow calculation (~15 seconds on my venerable Surface Book 2). Why not use the document tolerance?

– Dale

Hi @dale, the offset is done within a realtime GUI and the result is displayed in a conduit while the user changes the offset distance with a slider. I therefore need it as instant as possible. The fastest offset i got using Rhino.RhinoMath.UnsetValue, 0.4s compared to eg. a tolerance of 0.1 it is 4 times faster. With 0.0 (loose ?) i got same results as you so i asumed the documentation is not right. Why should a loose offset take 15s on a single simple surface?


Thanks @clement.

Digging into the code, the offsetter is doing a loose offset. But the code that creates the edges isn’t. I’ll get this fixed.

Also, you shouldn’t use a tolerance of RhinoMath.UnsetValue, as the function will make up it’s own, large tolerance if you do.

– Dale

Hi @dale, since i have to support RH6 and RH7, what should i use then in RH6 if this is never fixed for RH6 ? Which tolerance value does the function make up on it’s own ?


The method does something like this:

def test_offset_face(face, distance, tolerance):
    if not face: return
    d = distance
    if face.OrientationIsReversed:
        d = -d
    t = System.Math.Abs(tolerance)
    if t > System.Math.Abs(d * 0.5):
        t = System.Math.Abs(d * 0.5)

– Dale

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thanks @dale!


Hi @dale ,
I’d appreciate when creating a loose offset solid that the “extruded” surface would be perpendicular and normal to the surfaces. I’m aware that this needs some compromise, but maybe you can make it possible.

RH-64535 is fixed in the latest Rhino 7.8 Service Release Candidate

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