Brazil 2.0 SR3 Release Candidate 1 Now Available

Hi all

Brazil 2.0 for Rhino SR3 RC1 is now available from:

This release has environment scaling and some fixes for instability in the GI environment UI.

This is looking pretty close to what we will release for SR3 final - so please let us know if there’s anything else you need!



2013-08-16: Service Release 3 RC1


  • Environment scaling added (in Brazil option, environment panel)

Bug Fixes:

  • GI environment blur section previews were unstable and slow.

Thanks on the GI Env…looks good.

What does the Environment scaling do? I adjusted it up and down and didn’t see any difference in the render.

It should change the field of view for the environment only. Is it not working for you?

I have an HDRI in the environment and I can see it in the Neon/Render View interface window. I scroll up and down on the ‘scaling’ function and nothing occurs with the HDRI. I have it in Equirectangular mode if that makes any difference.

Am I doing something wrong?

It won’t work in Neon yet.

Not have any luck adjusting the scaling either. Iam only doing this in Render not Neon.

Guys - it’s working here. Could you post me a simple model or screen captures so I can see what’s happening?

screen shot

In the Environment tab I see the Bg mult and Scal tabs but they have no effect.

When Scaling work will I see the environment scale in relation to the model. Also will scaling show only in a render view or real time?

It’s working absolutely perfectly here. It will only show in a Brazil rendering - it doesn’t work in the viewport or in Neon.

What the chance of make this work in the viewing window/real time?

In Neon - about 100%. In the rendered view - not very likely at all.

Are you still unable to use the scaling? I’m actually waiting for the results of this conversation to be able to release the next service release of Brazil.

I understand scaling works in the rendering output and Neon. At this point scaling in renderings is no use to me I don’t use Brazil to Render.
I would like to see scaling work in the viewing window in the rendering mode.

OK - I understand that. But this thread is about Brazil 2.0.