Bouteille Rémy Martin

comment reproduire cette bouteille en 3D, si certains ont des idées je suis preneur.
D’avance Merci!

Rémy Martin does a LOT of different bottles - I think you need to be a bit more specific, if you want anyone to chime in. Maybe a picture or what you have so far in terms of 3D/sketches?

HTH, Jakob

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I had downloaded a picture but it didn’t appear…
I managed it anyway.
Thanks for the heads up :wink:

When I need reference bottles of Remy and similar, I almost always find it way better, for some reason, to work off of an actual bottle, than from an image…


Pacal, would that bottle happen to be full or empty?

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I need to test more, to make sure, but so far I much prefer the results when the bottle starts out full.


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I’ve heard many chefs use a similar technique in their cooking.

now you heated us up with some remy martin and we dont even know
which one you had enjoyed yourself so much :wink:

Pascal must just be getting started on this one,

That is a pretty fancy bottle, pretty fancy price too I bet!

13,300 Euro! And it looks like the devil has already taken his share!émy-martin-4762

and ends up empty :wink:

somebody at least has 78 years of drinking to catch up on this one for sure.