Bounding boxes to replace lines?

As I understand it, to speed-up the display, Rhino replaces the original objects by bounding boxes when the graphics card can’t keep up with camera movements.
But I noticed that in a model with only lines (a large structural analysis wireframe), Rhino did the same, which seems quite illogical.
Aren’t bounding boxes more graphics-ressources-intensive ?
Not sure about more complex curves, but lines…

Hi Olivier -

I really don’t know. Are you noticing a slow-down in the “optimized” mode?

I am unable to get the shift to bounding boxes at present.
As developers, you might want to benchmark your tools on your side as well, and not rely mostly on user feedback.
The behavior is not easy to understand.
In many cases, the display stutters and does not shift to bounding box display.
I think there is room for improvement on this feature which is very iseful when it triggers at the right time.

As a sidenote : a useful addition to the adaptive view degradation feature would be to replace Annotation Dots by a point cloud when framerate drops*.
Dots seem to be hard to process by the graphics cards.

*speaking of framerate, I’m not sure if this is the criteria used by this adaptive display feature.
It is often the case that the framerate is lamentable while the objects remain displayed in their full complex glory.