Bounding Box

Please, How can I solve this bug with bounding box component? I want to create joints.

cadeira balanço.3dm (1.8 MB) cadeira balanç (12.6 KB)

What exactly is the bug you are mentioning? If you want the boxes to be aligned, feed one of the(planar) faces of your geometry into the plane input of the bbox component.

Thanks for your support. You’re correct about the bug that I mentioned, but unfortunately the geometry that the bbox needs to be aligned is not a brep, and then, I can’t select one of the faces for input bbox as you suggested.

There are several ways:

  1. if you are using a box like geometry, try to construct plane from 3 points that are repeating for each object.

  2. Use principal component analysis to compute minimal bounding box from points:

This is coming from OpenNest

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Hello, thanks for your support. I tried to solve with your method but some boxes don’t work correctly.

Don’t work good the joints. If you can to show me the resolution with my archive above. I will thank you very much

Seems like a typical data matching problem. Check the attched…
BTW, there are some duplicate planes for sections so, bounding boxes are also duplicated…

cadeira balanç (25.3 KB)

Hello man, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I am very happy!!! :smiley:

Why don’t you just use Trim Solid or Solid Difference instead of using bounding boxes?

cadeira balanç (33.1 KB)