Boundary Surface - Isoline

Is there a way to control the underlying surface when using Boundary Surfaces Component? Is it possible using a c# component?

Basically I have a closed planar curve and an in plane vector, i want the isolines to be aligned with the vector.

Move the boundary seam?

P.S. Nope, that doesn’t work. Here is something that does:

3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

Very easy: get the attached (2 minutes spend, a proper update will follow). (10.0 KB)

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Spend 5 minutes more for the promised update: (131.3 KB)

BTW: the cList is Clustered inside … meaning that the input order is irrelevant.

BTW: the ability to deal with Crvs that contain Crvs that contain Crvs … blah, blah (meaning: HAC nested Clustering) is strictly internal: so avoid inputing bananas.