Boundary Surface - Combine one curve with many

This must be such a beginner question, but somehow I am still struggling with lists in GH.

I want to combine each circle with a rectangle, to get 5 surfaces, squares with a hole in them. How do I create the two correct lists, to combine in the boundary surfaces component? I tried

  • Cross Reference
  • Repeat Data
  • Entwine

but cannot get it to work…
Thanks a lot, and for any advice on how to learn to work with lists properly!

Please post your Grasshopper definition and a screenshot of the expected result.

Sure… (4.9 KB)

The save way to do this is by repeating the rectangle as many times as you created the circles, so currently five times.

Then use the merge component to combine the two data streams. Grafting creates five branches with two items each.

I like to use the orient component to orient geometry from one plane to another. You can array an XY plane five times and specify the desired distance.

If you actually want to have the object in two lines or more lines when you create even more objects it is a little more difficult. (19.1 KB)

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Now I get it…both curves need to be in one branch, five branches.

Thank you so much once again for your help!
For for the orient approach too, I made a spacing snippit as well, but this one is so much more elegant.

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If you’re struggling with data trees, the Modelab Primer is a good resource…

Designing with Lists | The Grasshopper Primer Third Edition (