Boundary curves not joined

I have internalized the geometry. I am slicing a voxel mesh at regular intervals. Finding the surfaces at each slice previews the correct shapes, but when I convert to curves some of the boundary curves are joined and some are not joined.


How do you expect the curves in A to be joined? They’re two separate curves.

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Please try to remove the duplicated object to the import surfaces

I guess i am having trouble understanding why they are two separate curves. All the other slices seem to be the same or I am having trouble understanding what is different about them.
In the other slices the curves are joined regardless of them being disjointed. (new image-B)
The top slice and a couple others do not join for some reason (new image-a - i am highlighting separate curves for the image, but the select as two separate curves)

I did a seldup after all steps and still some slices do not join similar to the bottom one.

Why are they separate though? The deconstructed surfaces everywhere else result in 1 object (2 disjointed curves)

I’m struggling to understand what you don’t understand. That top surface is the geometry you provided - it’s a surface with an inside and an outside boundry - they can’t be connected. I’m not really sure what you’re expecting? Maybe draw how you expect that top surface to look?

I see what you are saying. All the other layers are broken somewhere thus creating areas of single curves. Thank you for explaining. I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. You are totally correct.