Boolean Subtraction Problem: Circular Cutouts Not Merging Properly

Hey guys, how are you? I have a printing problem with this bank. I subtracted the external geometry of these circles, to be able to make the connection during assembly, but in the algorithm the external shape of the circle is coming out separately.

Can you share the grasshopper file?


I do not support the use of pirated software. Good luck.

Testing 3dm Archive: C:\Users\martinsiegrist\Downloads\OÁSIS URBANO.3dm
Start Section: 468 bytes (offset 0 to 468)
Offset: 0
3dm archive version: 70
Interface Name: Rhinoceros 7.32 - Corporate, build 2023-08-09 - (compiled Aug 9 2023)
SDK Version: 2348836105.2390787929
OpenNURBS Version: 2390787929
3dm Version: 7

I’m sorry, I’m using the program for college work, at the moment I don’t have the means and my college doesn’t finance the programs, but it’s ok, thanks friend!