Boolean split failing

The object is water tight and the trimming surface is well clear of the edges but I’m getting a fail. It I offset the cutting surface into a solid it also fails to remove the bits. My application has been acting odd lately - showing a crash report dialogue screen every time I open the program even though it didn’t crash. (620.5 KB)

try ShrinkTrimmedSrf on the glass volume… then do the split.


An alternate method that doesn’t rely on shrinking a trimmed surface is to revolve a profile like this and perform a difference operation.

weird how doing that works but if you offsetSrf james’ existing surface then try the booleanDifference, it doesn’t work without shrinking the surfaces first.

like that:

if you delete james’ cutting surface, then Revolve the profile curve which is in the model, then do the booleanSplit, it will now work.

this also fixes the offsetSrf/Difference problem.


Do you have an idea why the surface he created wouldn’t work?

no… hoping someone else can explain it :wink:

Looks like a bug in the surface intersector. If you call intersect, you will get a couple of open curves that should be closed. Hard to say what’s “bad” about the surface. Probably just bad luck that you hit an unusual situation for the intersecting alogorithm that does not have a visual description. It works correctly in the V6 WIP, so what ever it was is fixed for the next version.

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That did the trick.

That may be a better method than using a open curve and then offsetting the extruded surface. There are some habitual approaches that may or may not be the most optimal.

Thanks all for the help!

Dan mentioned this in response to some model issues. V6 should resolve it. Cant wait.