Boolean split failed

I’m trying to split the two facade surfaces as they are going to have different materiality, but the boolean split isn’t working properly, neither is trim.

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?


bolean split.3dm (600.6 KB)

Hi @Natasha_Paul

Take a look at your tolerances, units and the size of your objects - the scene is in meters and the tolerance is .01 - and your main object is more or less only as long as your tolerance, making most commands fail.

Either scale your objects or change units.

HTH, Jakob

Hi @Normand,

I think I’ve changed it correctly but its still not working. Sorry, I’m fairly new to rhino! bolean split.3dm (588.5 KB)

Hi Natasha - just use plain old Split here I think.


Thanks, its working now :slight_smile:


I’m trying to split the brown with red. BooleanSplit fails and Split does not seem to do the right thing. I’ve tried increasing my units to mm but no joy. I’ve also tried increasing the base of the red. Any advice?

Please see model in link:!Ah9Ad1OmEqWVg6FdGtPWLkaaDk6PhQ?e=qo0lhJ


Hello - both commands depend upon there being a clean intersection, which there is not, here, you have an object more or less coincident with another. It looks to me like what you want can be accomplished by ExtractSrf on the brown thing and then a split of one of the surfaces.


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Talk about messy surfaces…

Thanks @pascal! Great solution. Is there simple way to fill the holes created?