Boolean operations NOT possible / What is WRONG?

Hi all, still "beginner - I´m afraid for many many years ! ! :slight_smile: - now I face problems in “simple” boolean operations. I checked, and its works, when drawing a plain and subtracting a circle (all in a/that plain ), it works with volums like cube & cilinder :). In my “real” i started from a closed polyline, in wich I inclosed some circles (as alternative a tried with surfaces, of the same dimensions as the circles…). Extrusion is possible. But Boolean operations NOT ! ! Please look at the edge of my “foto”… something happens there, and also it seams,that there are dubbles ( it drives me crasy !) . so I need instructions a. to ooperaate this from a plane ( like bringing a surface into the poliline, and circles on the surface and su bstraxt there b. Making extrussions, like in snippet, and execute BOOLEANS from solids. I need also proof methods, between steps.THANKS…( Normand ? …:), sorry )

Just to make sure I understand correctly.

You want the cylinders to be joined or subtracted from the green object?

If you have doubles you can use the command seldup and remove those. (unless it is two different object that is place the exact same places)

It looks as if some of the cylinders have an edge which is coincident with the side of the main object. Try eliminating the cylinders which are too close to the border.

… and if you can’t get it to work then please post a file with the relevant geometries.

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hi, it seems, that “seldup” was a good hint… so i obtained a siev, substracting from the PLANE, the cilinders… and now all ways are free. Thanks… it´s easy, if y know :slight_smile:

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“seldup” was a good hint… so i obtained a siev, substracting from the PLANE, the cilinders… and now all ways are free. Thanks… for helping :), for doings & intentions

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You are welcome. You are completely right it is alot easier if you know. That is why i enjoy this forum so much. That have been a big help to me aswell :smiley: