Hello. A bit new to Rhino. Been researching this and can’t find an answer.
I don’t know that I completely understand the various surfaces/object types in Rhino. I get Nurbs and Polys but there are others, like “Close Extrusion” I think my lack of understanding is my issue.
I have imported a file from Adobe Illustrator. I am trying to model a guitar body. I extrude the curves and get a ‘Closed Extrusion’ I’m trying to boolean difference two closed extrusions but it will not work. If I create a solid object and boolean it from 1 of the Close Extrusions… it works fine… See attached video.
You should try to avoid coincident surfaces. Instead of extruding the outline of the guitar with the rounded square, extrude just the outline of the guitar to whatever height and the rounded square separately. Then boolean union…
That’s what I did. If I understand correctly. They are two different extrusions. I extruded the body… Then I extruded the Square shape. Then I tried to Boolean “Difference” and I get no boolean.
Now the curves form a clear intersection without any coincident segments. Your curves might have some other problems like short segments which are not really helpful if you want to add fillets later on.
Ugh. I can’t figure out why I’m still struggling with this.
I tried making sure that I don’t have any coincident segments… but it’s still not working for me. However, your file works great. Can you point out any mistakes I’m making here??
Hi Drew - it looks like you just need to be a bit more precise about making things line up - the smaller curve is close but not quite corresponding to the main body
in addition the smaller curve has segments that are not tangent to adjacent ones where they clearly should be.
Some lines that look like maybe they ought to be horizontal are not…