Hi, my red ‘cutter’ is not closed but I cant see any naked edges on it.
as such boolean diff fails.
boolean fail red not closed but no naked edges.3dm (199.2 KB)
Hi, my red ‘cutter’ is not closed but I cant see any naked edges on it.
as such boolean diff fails.
boolean fail red not closed but no naked edges.3dm (199.2 KB)
Why not - there are tons…?
Maybe you need to change the naked edge display color to something other than red?
I dont believe it, I changed it to green , I saw nothing at all !!!
how come though when I used sweep2rail, and chose a narrow end line.
something odd going on, also I select an object and sometimes get no indication its selected, or in a view I select a few and some are indicated in yellow ans some I select again and again, and nothing, no yelolow at all, yet I can then delete it so it was selected.
can you upload the input curves for that sweep? the naked edges are way too separated so it not seems to be a problem of tolerances or units or a software related.
here is what I have of it.
I did draw in lines osnap to the corners etc to complete it then used those as the profile.
and here it is with a second attempt.
boolean fail naked edges simple sweeps.3dm (156.8 KB)