Boolean Difference along Path-Rotation

Hello, I have been having a problem with this command: Basically I have a chunk extracted out of this cube and it rotates according to the pivot on the cilinder 90°. The result I am trying to get is to have all the portion where the chunk rotate to boolean out. How do I get that smooth cut out ? I have also tried to copy and paste the same object and rotate from the same point of 1° each time up to 90°. The problem is that i dont get any smooth surfaces out of the cube. I will upload my file to hope somebody know and explain how to solve the problem. Thanks

cube.3dm (351.1 KB)

You’ll need to sweep / revolve the shape into a closed solid then subtract from the cube. Don’t have time right now to finish it but this might help you start:

Rotate the solid 90°.
Revolve the edge curve 90°.
You’ll also need to do other areas to create enough geometry so that you can subtract from the cube. Right now the geometry is still open on the underside.

Thanks for response. Unfortunately, thats not what i was asking. As you can from the 4th image bottom right, it should correspond to the actual shape i am trying to get but is not smooth (I got that doing copy and paste and rotate from the pivot every 1° up to 90° but i dont get any smoothness. Also the rotation you did is the horrizzontal one (not what i was looking for), Mine goes vertically rotation. Whatever the path lead according to that rotation, that part should be clean and smooth. (Please take a look to the bottom right picture to understand what i am trying to get, that is the closest solution i achieved but still not enough).

The rotation start up and it goes down

Rhino does not have a “solid sweep” or revolve using surface objects, you can only sweep or revolve curve profiles. You would need to make some sort of conglomerate of some revolved radial sections and use that to subtract.

Can revolve surfaces with grasshopper. But it’s still a lot of work to revolve each section, bake the geometry and glue it back together into a solid. Uses Pufferfish plugin. Not sure there’s an easy way to do this - seems like you’re going to need to revolve / sweep and build a solid you can use to subtract. Here’s just a small piece:

I am trying to test out what you did. Could i please get that file ? Mine is not working. Probably the curve is wrong in mine. I dont know what crv you drew.

For a revolve the axis always needs to be a straight line (so a line through the point in the middle of the cylinder). Away from work now will see if I get a chance tomorrow. (6.4 KB)
surf-revolve.3dm (611.5 KB)

Have you seen this topic?

revolveCutting_rh7.3dm (866.7 KB)

something like this ?

kind regards -tom

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yes, thats what i was looking for. was that a grasshopper script ?

no grasshopper, no scripting.
a lot of bricolage modelling…
sorry i can not share the bricolage curve generation part of the workflow…

main commands:

; ... some bricolage magic to get more curves