Boolean difference affecting surface curvature

In applying a boolean difference operation to a convex surface, distortions appear in the surface surrounding the cutout, causing issues with surface smoothness. An example of this is below, along with the source file. This geometry doesn’t seem to be prone to any of Rhino’s known Boolean limitations (coincident/overlapping edges, etc), so I can’t think of why this would be happening. Thank you.

rear intakes.3dm (19.3 MB)

Hello - make sure the analysis mesh is dense and accurate enough for emap to look correct. For a complicated object like this, you might want to ExtractSrf a few surfaces you care about and analyze those to keep the meshing load down a bit.



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ExtractSrf worked like a charm. Thanks as always for your help Pascal.

This interested me because I saw something similar in one of my own models recently, so I wanted to follow your solution. However, if I Boolean difference the cutouts in the uploaded model (i.e. try to reproduce the problem) I don’t get the distortion. Would you have modified the uploaded file? If not, any suggestions as to why the problem appears on one machine and not another (unless its simply a different edition of Rhino)? Thanks.

Hi Jeremy - I did see the jaggy analysis mesh as in the top picture - what happens is that Boolean introduces trims and joins that were not there in the original objects, and the analysis and shading meshes have to accommodate those. With a finer mesh the polygons are small enough and close enough to the surfaces that it all looks smooth - it’s not really, it is a mesh…
