I have noticed posts about blocks and its management being rewritten for V8.
I just want to make sure following features regarding blocks will become reality in V8.
Block definition
-right now while block creation/definition program only asks for insertion point of the block considering world cplane as default
-this should change in a way that program asks what kind of coordinate plane i want my block to be in
-also block editation should allow changing blocks coordinate system (cplane) not only changing insertion point -
Include these commands from blocktools plugin as native
-makeunique → takes the block and makes it unique creating new block definition with modified name with suffix
-reset block scale
GitHub - ejnaren/rhinotools: Custom tools for Rhino -
Enable editting of non uniformly scaled blocks
-i never comprehended why its not possible. blocks scale can be reset while editting and scaled back when editation is completed -
Nested block editation should be triggered by double clicking. Right now you need to go through a list of sub-blocks which is very clumsy.
-i think there should be two types of user attributes, for block definition and then for each instance
-right now i think there are only user attributes for every instance
Feel free to add other requested essentials to blocks.