I just wanted to import block from another file keeping original layer structure,
so, I wrote this python script.
filename = rs.OpenFileName("select file for block", "3dm (*.3dm)|*.3dm||")
if filename:
cmd = "_-Insert _File=_Yes _LinkMode=_Link \""+filename+"\" B 0,0,0 1 0"
But by this way, Block Descriptions are missing.
By Using Copy and Paste , Block descriptions are OK , ( but layers are merged ).
I wanted to use BlockURL, and BlockURLTag ,already implemented SDK/VB, but Python script does not support yet, so I have to use this description instead of it now.
I hope to fix this small problem , and support these functions by Version 5.
Keep in mind that _-Insert _File=_Yes... does not does not import a block from a file. Rather, it inserts a file and makes it a block. Now if the file you Insert has a block definition in it, then that block definition will be nested in the block you create when inserting. You can see the hierarchy using BlockManager.