Block clipping like x-clip in AutoCAD

This would be a very useful feature. Not unusual to need to xref just a small component which needs to exist within a much larger separate project.

Clipping blocks with curve, multiple curves and breps is needed indeed!

Note that you cannot place rhino lights into blocks either, the last time I tried anyway (Rhino 6). It might be an issue with lights but it is another limitation of using blocks.

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bump - We need this

+1, although latest Rhino 8 WIP already allows you to enable clipping planes on a per-object level, which effectively could be used like the xclip command. What might be also useful though I think is hiding elements of block instances - right now I think only worksessions have this ability (but it gets reset when rhino is restarted). I vaguely remember though that this is already somewhere on the bugtracker…

+1 on this. Really would love this feature for drafting purposes.

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+1 here. Would love to see this feature. Would allow us to fully replace AutoCAD with Rhino.

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Very usfull in interior design, so i’ll join the train :slight_smile:

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I am quite surprised to see this is still not implemented.It looks like there are a lot of requests on this no?

+1 on this!

This would be helpful indeed!
Eg. placing a cartographic/terrain file over my architectural design, I would prefer to just clip the map file rather than generating various separate crops as separate files from it.

+1! would be very helpful. Preferably applicable to linked references too. Also in the best case scenario all invisible elements excluded from any computational load (like rhino’s hide function). Cheers!