Bistable auxetic surface structues \- how to input own surfaces


I am a design and craft student looking at bistable auxetics. I am trying to get this programme to allow me to input my own surfaces. I would really appreciate any help getting it working!

Bistable auxetic surface structures

I haven’t ever referenced other files within grasshopper before.
I am not very familiar with python and much of the work is through python script blocks. I have added my own boundary first flattened surfaces in 2D and 3D to their own folder within the input folder. I have also added them to initial selection list and the first python block seems to be outputing the file fine.

Within the second block I am getting the error messages above. I am used the boundary first flattening component from ngon to generate my 3D and 2D boundary first flattened meshes then exported them seperately as .obj.

Thank you for any help. Please let me know if there is anything that doesn’t make sense or/files missing that would help.

I used TriReMesh to remesh any input geometry, then bake it, use the mesh unwrapper, extract UV mesh and input that back into GH as 2D mesh.
GH file with part of the process: (140.5 KB)

The MeshUnwrapper can also be accessed with RhinoCommon, if you want to stay in GH.