Hi my friends…
I design a design that works by calling the mesh and drawing two lines on the mesh for the purpose of designing a splint The first line is the starting point of the splint and the second line is the end point. The program must create several levels between the two lines, but unfortunately it does only the last and the level in the middle and neglects the other
right click on each of these parameters on the very left of your gh file, one by one, and for each of those choose “internalise data”
then save the gh file with a different name, drag it here where you are typing your reply, wait a few seconds for it to upload correctly and post it
this will allow people to actually help, because you have data-trees flowing from component to component, and it’s not very easy to understand from a picture
[edit] please do not create duplicate threads ( I have no one but you - #3 by nms_UPDATE ) and eventually use thread names that actually help people understand what is about ( “I have no one but you” is not good, not even for a girlfriend, same for “Help me please”)
Or boyfriend.
I think you should mentioned all the content/images you posted come from this paper: