Best way to calculate ratio of surface areas after 3D digitizing

Hi, new to Rhino and using the software for a surgical study. We need to map the surface area that we can access surgically and then compare that to the total potential area (which we can also map with the MicroScribe 3D digitizer). What is the best way to utilise the software to do that?

I’m wanting to calculate what % area of the total we can access and use the MicroScribe to create a render on Rhino, but having difficulty turning the points I map into a render/surface area and then knowing how to calculate what we need.


Digitizers like Microscribe are not supported in Mac Rhino.
This is listed in the System Requirements on the Support page.

Hi Elizabeth - I am not picturing the situation very clearly - it would help to have an example file with some notes. Post here or send to with a link back here in your comments.


I am not using a Mac, I am using a PC

When you added your message, you select Mac as a tag.

I am wanting to map the surface of a bone and create a render similar to this! Does that help clarify?

Hi Elizabeth - but where are you in the process? Do you have any surfaces or data in Rhino yet?


So we have just had our first data collection session this afternoon. We have collected the outline and centre point of the specific areas we can access and are interested in plus have mapped multiple points all over the entire surface area of the humeral head. I can take a photo of what we have (computer is at work) but I’m really wanting to confirm we are inputting the right information before we use the other specimens we have next week - we can’t afford to waste them! I really appreciate any insights you have, thank you!

Hi Elizabeth - my guess, without seeing the file, is you would Patch the points, and then trim with the curves. Assuming that all works, the Area command will tell you the areas of the resulting surfaces.


That worked! Thank you!!