when wishing to see the model less all the dims and construction lines and ‘stuff’ I can use SelDim and then ‘hide’ or turn off annotations in display panel.
I can turn iff also curves whilst there and tidy up done, however it there are curves I wish to show that kills them.
Is there a way of using Sel and getting hold of construction curves etc ?
Perhaps running a command to allocate them a special tag that would be found ?
I place them on layers called construction, for each sub object, so there are many of those layers. Each set a different colour, as a sub layer and paler than the objects colour. However unless there is a command that seeks out and turns off layers with the word construction in the layer name, I have to plough through what is now a few hundred layers on this complex build, impractical, and then do again to turn them on.
I dont want to have to go hunting through humdreds of layers though in the first place to find them, then as I am forever creating new objects each with their own new layers and new dims layers and new const layers, the layer state manager would be out of date anyway.
If we could create lines that would be recognised as construction lines, a tag given to curves etc drawn , that is identifiabkle to a find command., that would do it.
By giving your file a proper structure: dimensions and construction lines that are permanently needed go on dedicated layers with legible names.
All other construction geometry that is not immediately needed goes either on another separate layer or are hidden on the layer they were created.
Each significant object has its own layer and colour, colour always by layer, and sub layers are named as object name and suffix dims and object name and suffix const lines, in paler versions of the object colour.
as the project gets complex, there are many of these ‘sets’.
If I had ‘other geometry’ on a separate layer it couldn adopt the object colour easily and more importantly could not be turned off when that object is turned off, but also would need hunting for in many layers whilst having assoc geometry as a sub layer to the object is easy find.
A way of locating all the layers with const lines and turning them all off is required,
as the const lines layers are nested in the object layer, if I dont want that object showing then turning its layer off hides all assoc dims and const lines.
seems like a logical way to me.
until one wants to just turn off all const layers.
If it seems “logical until…” than it is probably not.
As @wim said, with layer state manager you can first hide all layers with elements you don’t want to view and save this as a layer state. After this your desired view is just one click away.
A completey different approach would be to colour code any form of construction geometry with a specific colour (preferably one you will use in all future files) that is not used for anything else in your file.
Then using “select by colour” will select only this kind of geometry.