Bending wavy sheet onto surface

Hi there!
I’ve got a geometry that looks like this (sorry but I’m not allowed to share it):

Except that wavy sheet isn’t bent towards the roof tiles yet, it goes straight out. So that is exactly what I have to accomplish in Rhino, push the lower edge of the sheet down onto the roof surface so it looks like in the picture. Does anyone have an idea how this could be done in Rhino and/or Grasshopper?
I’ve already tried FlowAlongSrf but it gives weird results.
I’ll be greatful for any hints…

Hello - better to post a file of some kind that shows the problem you’re trying to solve - my guess is that with CageEdit using the right surface as a control object should get it.

CageEditCorrugated.3dm (292.6 KB)


Hi @Brick_Dave
I had to do the exact same thing some years ago, and IMHO FlowAlongSrf is the way to go. Make sure that the UV directions and normal direction on both base and target surface are the same, and that the orientation matches and pick near the same corner.

HTH, Jakob


Hey guys,
thanks a lot for the quick replies :+1:t2:
Although CageEdit could probably do the trick I think it may be easier with FlowAlongSrf looking at your awesome result @Normand.
Could you guide me a little bit through your process? My idea was to extract a cross section of that wavy thing and use FlowAlongSrf on it, then later loft between the original cross section and the deformed one. But I‘ve probably used FlowAlongSrf the wrong way…

waves_on_waves_00_tp3dm.3dm (722.6 KB)

dear @Brick_Dave
this is more or less the workflow you might need:

  1. design a curve for the main roof-tile-s-shape / waves. use the _curve tool for this (not arc) (not in the file: fine-tune for the waves to be arrayed endless, you might only want to handle one “S”)
  2. create a flat version of the curve _setPt (z=yes) (to have same structure, for later loft to work nicely)
  3. helping-surfaces _extrudeCrv
  4. the main surface _loft (pick green surfaceEdges, option: tangent start / end )
  5. draw the minor waves, _curve, _extrude, _rotate, _arrayLinear, _changeDegree (3,3) don’t join them to a polysurface (otherwise flowAlongSrf will ignore “preserve structure”)
  6. create a flat version of the main surface _setPt (z=yes) → pink, base Surface for _flowalongSrf (this surface has same nurbs structure as 3d-Version → _flowAlongSrf will work nicely)
  7. _flowAlongSrf use the option “preseve structure” (less data, less precision)
    (select minor wave-surfaces, pink as base, cyan as target - use pick-points that are at matching positions)

see layernames in my file for more info.
read help for the commands I listed above. for example _flowAlongSrf


Hi @Tom_P
thank you so much for the detailed description and your file. I’ve tried it in my own testfile and it works like a charm!
Cheers guys

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