Hello, I am new here and I come from 16 years of Sketchup and am a total Rhino beginner. I hope someone can give me a tip anyway?
I’m just starting out with some tutorials and realize that even my first attempts have errors that I can’t fix: I build a toy plane with SubDd, converted to Nurbs and rounded edges with blend edges and there I obviously included holes. I only noticed this after exporting to Sketchup and to Ultimaker Cura. Kyle Houchens explicitly points out that you have to round the edges very carefully, but I know the problem from Sketchup: you can still overlook it – so my question is for the the next time, when it is not a toy plane anymore.
Now I’m wondering: can I undo rounded edges in Rhino (without undoing all the other steps)?
Or can I repair such a mistake afterwards?
Or is there a tool that immediately shows me that the model is not watertight? (comparable to Solid Inspector in Sketchup)?
Thank you very much for your help!
I work on Mac with Rhino 8.
showedges is the command to see if you have naked edges.
Post a file that you are struggling with and we’ll be happy to try and nudge you in the right direction.
there are very few things that cannot be fixed… if the subd is bad, it can be fixed, if the nurbs is bad, it can be fixed, if the mesh is bad…that too can be fixed… just depends on the model and the specific problem.
Hi Kyle, that’s great! I’m going to work my way through this step by step to get a good understanding of the individual steps - it’s extremely helpful - especially because it shows different approaches (and is nicely pragmatic)! Thank you very much! 1000 Thanks.