BeforeTransformObjects event never called in CPython on mac

Hi? Please see the code below.
When I run the script with the command !-RunPythonScript, it worked.
But after removing the first line to declare using CPython ( #! python 3 ), it failed.
Is overriding BeforeTransformObjects not allowed anymore or is it a bug?

#! python 3

import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc

class TransformEventHandler():
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_attached = False

    def onTransform(self, sender, e):
        print('onTransform test')

    def attach(self):
        if not self.is_attached:
            Rhino.RhinoDoc.BeforeTransformObjects += self.onTransform
            self.is_attached = True

    def detach(self):
        if self.is_attached:
            Rhino.RhinoDoc.BeforeTransformObjects -= self.onTransform
            self.is_attached = False

def TestSampleEventHandler():
    key = 'transform_event_handler'
    handler = sc.sticky.pop(key, None)
    if handler:
        handler = None
        print(' SampleEventHandler disabled')
        handler = TransformEventHandler()
        sc.sticky[key] = handler
        print(' SampleEventHandler enabled')

if __name__ == '__main__':

I solved the problem from Eto not working in rhino 8 beta

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