I am setting up a routine to try to automate boundary conditions based on a layer based geometry pipeline. As such sometimes my data streams are empty sometimes not. The beam-joints component is giving me some trouble because even when no beam/identifier is provided it returns a joint. That non-applied joint throws instabilities in the analysis.
Am I missing something on the usage of the beam-joints component ? Shouldn’t a lack of beam identifier input prevent any troublesome output ?
Hello @user901,
if no beam or beam-identifier is provided at the “Beam|Id” input-plug of the Beam-Joints-component it applies to all beams of the model by default (see here).
In case you want to prevent the definition of beam-joints you could supply a beam-identifier that does not exist (like e.g. “NoJoint”).
– Clemens
Thank you for the quick reply Clemens !
That’s very helpful. I wish I had read the manual carefully enough to catch that…
Your suggestion of using a fake beam-identifier is brilliant. Probably not the most efficient work-around but I have found my own solution: I parse the output of the joint to check if it is applied to anything. If it is applied to nothing ( "applies to elements:‘’; ") a downstream streamgate prevents the joint from feeding the assemble model component.