
Good afternoon,

Is there any tutorial or document that explains the BarkBeetle process? I found the file a bit complicated, and I need to generate some CNC milling.

Thank you!

Any more info? What is Barkbeetle? What file? What are you trying to do?

I want to simulate the CNC milling process by using Grasshopper. I couldn’t find a plugin for that, but someone suggested using BarkBeetle , which is a Grasshopper definition for CNC milling. The definition is complicated, and I need a tutorial or a document to understand it. Do you have any suggestions?

@siemen is involved in this project as far as I know. It might help if you could post a couple of specific questions, in case there is no documentation, beyond the GitHub page.

Thank you!

Hi @eiman.graiz,

I realize the definition is not super intuitive, but can you try out these steps from the github documentation and let me know where you get stuck so I can try to update the page when I have the time?

Quick start

  • Go to Stable release and download the latest version + the template file.
  • Open the template file in rhino and the grasshopper file in grasshopper. The template file contains layers which indicate what grasshopper needs to do with the geometry on those layers.

To use the streaming function of the file, you need to first specify your streaming destination. Cloud storage connected to the pc running your cnc-machine can be a huge time safer here. All changes will then be automatically streamed to the folder of your machine.

  • Zoom out in the Example grasshopper file to see the “Post processor settings” and then zoom in on the purple group. Image for reference
  • In this group you will find a component saying “Toolpath streaming folder”. Right click on this component and click on “Select a directory” Image for reference
  • You’ll get a prompt asking to define a folder for streaming. Choose a folder as a destination for all files to be automatically streamed to.

Now every time you make a job, this file will automatically update, ready for you to run the job.

General Workflow

  • Open Bark Beetle grasshopper file (.gh) and Rhino example file (.3dm) from Stable release
  • Draw or import your 2D or 3D geometry.
  • Place the geometry in the layer that describes the action you want to perform, such as Drill or Pocket etc.
  • Specify material type, milling bit and and the depth of milling for each process.
  • Check in perspective view to verify number of tool passes.
  • Run the job. Bark Beetle streams your job so you don’t have to save every change.

How I can create a custom post-processor for BarkBeetle?