'Bake to Layer' component with 'M' (Material) input?

The mMaterial component I posted two days ago, using C# found on this forum, offers more parameters that are useful for creating a material and can easily support more properties defined for the class, such as ‘IndexOfRefraction’.



mMaterial_2020Jan14a.gh (46.4 KB)

Properties currently implemented:

  1. DiffuseColor
  2. AmbientColor
  3. EmissionColor
  4. ReflectionColor
  5. Reflectivity
  6. ReflectionGlossiness
  7. Transparency

And as I said before, why must I become dependent on a plugin for a basic, low level capability like this that should be built into Grasshopper?

As noted, encapsulating the C# code in a cluster allows two big improvements:

  • I can rename the output to match the geometry, which isn’t possible on a C# or Python script component.
  • I can edit the cluster and delete inputs that I don’t need to make the cluster footprint smaller on the canvas.
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