"Bake" named positions?

Hi All :smile:

Is it possible to ā€œbakeā€ named positions? Iā€™ve got several named positions, and would like to have them all present in the same document - not as positions, but as actual geometry. If I select one of the positions and try to copy/paste it all, I end up with duplicates of all the positions, and it takes forever to delete them by hand. It would be nifty to be able to ā€œBakeā€ them to separate layers or something similar.

TIA, Jakob

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That does sound like a useful thing to be able to do.

Since you mention your current workflow, an other work-around could be to export the objects to the STEP format and to import them again. That way you will maintain layer attributes (*) but not the named position information.

(*) Note that sub-layers round-tripped via the STEP format are named Parent::child::Grandchild.
I.e. the hierarchy is removed and the layers are duplicated but you can use that to your advantage here.

Good idea, thanks!
Filed as http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-30693

@BrianJ Iā€™ve had the same problem: extra named position duplicates that I didnā€™t need ā€“ and often they even donā€™t even work after you move the copy. So, how about his tweak:

Any time you do a copy-and-paste (or editā†’copy / editā†’paste) you get a command line prompt IF there is a Named Position present: Copy Named Position? Yes / No

Thanks for adding that potential workflowā€¦ @andy will have to take a look at whatā€™s possible here when he gets to this feature request, Iā€™m not sure how named position data is saved exactly and if the copy command could search for that info prior to copying the selection.

Related to this is something Iā€™ve tried (without success) to achieve in the past: Form a solid from a revolved or swept other solid. One that sticks in my mind was checking clearance for a furniture castor that I needed to shroud as closely as possible. Itā€™s not as easy as it sounds :frowning: Another was the ā€˜swept volumeā€™ of a wiper mounted on unequal length parallelogram arms.

In the end, I used an approach similar to the OPā€™s comment and guessed the bits in between.

Cool @BrianJ - Thanks!