Back saving from R7 to earlier

I have a number of R6 and R5 files that I’ve opened in R7 and performed a few simple tasks. When I try “save as” and select either Rhino 5 or Rhino 6, I am asked if I want to write the file as R7 or the earlier version, that I already specified. A little annoying, but I’m retired, so I can put up with it.

When I select the previous button, I’m told the file was saved in that version. However, when I then close the file and try to open with the previous version, I’m told it was created by a newer version.

Any workaround or fix?

Hello- as afar as I can tell, saving to V5 or V6 allows the file to be opned in V5 or V6. If you have an example - just a box or something - for which SaveAs to V5 or 6 does not work in those versions, please post it here.


Thx, Pascal. I don’t know what happened, but when I returned to the files, they all opened in the intended versions. Senior moment? :slight_smile:

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