Avoiding black spots in the scenes with overlapping faces

Is there an option in Brazil which acts like “Secondary rays bias” in Vray and enables to avoid black spots in the scenes with overlapping or faily close faces?
My mesh faces arent really overlapping but are quite close and cause black spots.

Can you provide a render and export a couple surfaces/meshes that show the issue? I know what you mean but settings, lighting and materials are all involved here so it would be easiest to see part of the model. You might be able to adjust the backface option in the material or detailed ray server settings at a guess.

Hallo Brian,I am sending you a part of a much bigger model and one rendered image. Thanks a lot! >>> Brian James <steve@mcneel.com> 10.11.2014 16:11 >>>


November 10Can you provide a render and export a couple surfaces/meshes that show the issue? I know what you mean but settings, lighting and materials are all involved here so it would be easiest to see part of the model. You might be able to adjust the backface option in the material or detailed ray server settings at a guess.To respond, reply to this email or visit http://discourse.mcneel.com/t/avoiding-black-spots-in-the-scenes-with-overlapping-faces/13189/2 in your browser.

Previous Replies


November 10Is there an option in Brazil which acts like “Secondary rays bias” in Vray and enables to avoid black spots in the scenes with overlapping or faily close faces?

My mesh faces arent really overlapping but are quite close and cause black spots.


To respond, reply to this email or visit http://discourse.mcneel.com/t/avoiding-black-spots-in-the-scenes-with-overlapping-faces/13189/2 in your browser.To unsubscribe from these emails, visit your user preferences.

Mod_141110.3dm (1.68 MB)

Thanks for posting a model. You can disable the ability to receive shadows for all the roof meshes (Object properties>Brazil properties) but this might not work for you. Other than that, I don’t know of a way to prevent the noise coming from these almost coplanar mesh fragments. I would delete them or offset the main roof meshes into slight solids using OffsetMesh.

It works fine in Neon and RhinoRender, maybe that can help you out.

Also I see the model is far from origin, does moving it help anything?

Thanks for the help!
Offseting meshes and moving the whole model closer to the origin helped a lot.