AuroraJewels is a plugin for rhino5 32/64 bit the gold sector.
Includes a series of commands that facilitate the creation and display of jewelry.
New Features:
AJExportToSculptirs wip> export format compatible with Sculptris
AJPointAlongCrv> creates point along the curve given the distance
AJSelectGalleryRing> selects all of the rings (only works with rings created with this version of AJ)
AJSelectGalleryRingUp> select the rings above (only works with rings created with this version of AJ)
AJSelectGalleryRingDoun> select the rings below (only works with rings created with this version of AJ)
AJPavèOnSrf_wip> allows you to create circles on the surface with the possibility of changing diameter without leaving the command
toolbar AuroraJewels> to finish
See more at: