Audi a7 modeling tutorial in rhino7

hello @Vanessa
it was on sale on gumroad for the last few months.

in fact I suspended the sale two months ago,
I wanted to work on a new tutorial which replaces this one,
I haven’t started working on the project yet.
I don’t know if I put the old one back until the new one is ready

I sent you privately,

hi jordi
I’m going to try this script as soon as I have time, it looks very good for identifying wobbly points.
thanks for the suggestion

hi vince
I will put it back in the next few days.
Thank you for your interest

I suspended the sale, wanting to recreate another tutorial.
but I’ll put it back on gumroad or less for now.
until the new tutorial is ready…
but I have no idea how long it will take to make it happen.
I haven’t even started yet.


That’s great to hear! I’m looking forward to buying it :slight_smile:

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will new tutorial have voice overs ??

@fares.boulamaali is the tutorial still for sale somewhere? Thx

I’m looking for the tutorial as well.