Hi! I am trying to create an attractor folded glazing panel for a facade. I am getting a null data in the remap output. Kindly help me figure out and solve the issue. Thanks!
Hi @leopoldomonzani , Thanks for your contribution! I have attached my facade ref for your understanding. I am able to equally make the panel projection and division of a single panel. But I want to create something like the ref image. I would like to make it a solid panel where there is more solar radiation and gradually glass where there is less solar radiation on the facade.
So I used the closest point to get the distance of the sun and panel points to remap the values to reruired min and max values.
Pls help me, if I am right on the component usage to get the output as ref image.
if you want to pass values into a graph mapper without changing the graph mapper domain, you first need to remap with Domain [0 to 1] and then after the graph mapper remap again into your final domain of choice:
Appreciate it! Thanks for identifying my mistake and resolving the issue! also, I have one more doubt, is there a way I can define the width and height of the panels instead of U and V values?
Thank you for the help in resolving this! also, I have one more doubt, is there a way I can give a defined dimension for the width and height of the panels instead of U and V values?
Panel size.
The height corresponds to the extrusion value.
In theory the width can be determined by the slider but it is necessary to scale the base curve so that its length is equal to one module.
Unfortunately, a problem arises on curves.