Assigning Keyboard shortcuts problems

I’m trying to assign '_SetView _World _Top [and all the other views… and other commands.] to keyboard shortcuts. I tried many from the [supposedly] free ones in the Keyboard list. But can’t get them to work [and I get the beeping error sound].

So for example: '_SetView _World _Top > Command + Alt + 1… But apparently it is taken by Safari … I tried many different ones and most seems to be already taken by the OS.

So what to do? At least 30 free ones are needed to properly set up external devices .
I’ve tried to asked about this here. Without success.

thanks a lot

That appears to be an Apple problem…

Here’s one Apple support doc with what you could do about it.

Hi @Helvetosaur , thank you.
I went now through the MacOS keyboard settings and removed almost all of them…
Also removed all the ones Safari was using.
Restarted the computer… and the issue remains the same.
[I have moved up a couple of OS versions from my old computer, so admittedly, not yet familiar with some OS changes]

Back to Rhino, all my custom shortcuts worked fine on R7 [without having to change anything in the default setting in MacOS…] So perhaps it is an issue with the WIP?
And then, the lack of a [+] button to add additional [longer] keyboard shortcut, is another problem. Perhaps the developer simply forgot to add it…?

Does a Plus [+] button exist in the Windows WIP?

thanks a lot