Assign UserText to mesh face

We are trying to develop an internal tool to import into Rhino our FEA mesh. The objective is to be able to assign to each face a set of properties (for example height and width of the wall they are a part of) and then export a csv table with all the information.

Right now we can import in Rhino the mesh, set all the values needed, and then export the table.
The problem is that I didn’t find a way to assign UserText to a face, but only to a whole mesh, so I am importing each face as a Mesh object, which slows down the module quite a lot since we need to import thousands of elements.

Is there a way to assign UserText to a single face in a mesh that I am missing? Or is there another approach I could take?


Hi Giovanni - there is no way that I know of to do this directly. I suppose you could assign a user text to the object and include the mesh face index in the information. You’d need to also write your own tools to retrieve it - just shooting from the hip here…


@pascal is correct. MeshFace is just a struct and does not inherit from CommonObject. Best to attached whatever data you need to the base Mesh object.

– Dale