Aspect ratio?

Just downloaded the latest iRhino for the iPad and am impressed and excited about how far it’s come since the last time I used it.

Is there a way to constrain the aspect ratio of the viewports? Either by setting it in the app, or exporting the aspect ratio from the original file?

If not, can I please put it on the wish list?

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Do you mean dragging edges of the viewport in 4view mode? Or do you anticipate to do that in single viewport mode?

How do you currently do this in Rhino?

Hi @mkarimi,

In Rhino you can set the viewport size / aspect ratio using the -ViewportProperties command
or in the Object Properties panel when no objects are selected:

Not sure if it’s possible on the iRhino app, but it would be great to be able to restrain a viewport to a desired aspect ratio. For example, I’m working with a Director who would like to orbit around the model in 2.35:1

It would also be awesome to be able to control the lens length in the app.

I imagine this would work best in single viewport mode, however being able to drag the viewport edges in 2 or 4view mode would be useful as well (I just tried on my iPhone and the viewports didn’t seem to want to drag).

Interesting, this seems to only work on Rhino for Windows so I (a mac user) didn’t know about it.
I tried it on windows, and it only works nicely if you have a floating viewport.

I logged a feature request here:
RV-1190 Viewport aspect ratio