Arc curve array not projecting properly on a split lofted surface


I have a lofted surface that i have used Surface Split to remove the area between some other curves. When I project an array of curves onto the split surface I am getting a strange result where curves don’t extend as far as expected. See areas circled in the image. Can someone help me understand why this is happening? Have uploaded the .gh and the .3dm file for reference.

McNeel.3dm (152.3 KB)
McNeel (6.1 KB)

A couple of things here,

The line you are projecting is not quite long enough, which is why there seems to be a gap at the bottom like in your screenshot. Extending the curve fixes this.

Can you get away with using a revolution to create the base surface? This is very similar to the loft you have created, but more accurate. Using this as a shape to project on to behaves more like what you’d expect.

I also sorted the surfaces after you have split them which means you don’t have to manually pick the surface from the list - so long as you always want the surface with the largest area.

McNeel (16.7 KB)

That is a far cleaner solution thanks @michaelkreft. Have you noticed that this curve is not projecting? Any ideas as to why?

That’s strange, it’s there for me! I don’t have an answer for that, but I have something for you to try.

I have uploaded a new script, with your curves internalised as I made a change to the profile curve which is revolved to make the initial surface. I rebuilt the curve to remove a knot.

Instead of arraying flat lines and projecting them on to the surface, why not just array the profile curve as we already have it for use? We can then check for intersections between the trimmed brep and the arrayed curves, producing the same result. May this will work better for you?

McNeel (37.1 KB)