ApplyCrv in RhinoCommon

Is there an equivalent method of ApplyCrv in RhinoCommon? I cannot find similar names. Is it a combination of Surface.Pullback & Surface.PushUp?

M. Dale Fugier said ApplyCrv is actually a transform which I don’t quite understand.

Hi @gankeyu,

No, there is no such method. I’ve make an issue so we can provide one in the future.

– Dale

Is it available in the C++ SDK?

No, sorry. The smart behind the command are coded in the command.

– Dale

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Hi @gankeyu,

Perhaps this sample is helpful?


– Dale

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Found a bug.

    var curve3d = surface.Pushup(curve, tol);

should be

    var curve3d = surface.Pushup(curve2d, tol);