I am a relatively new Rhino user so I don’t have any Grasshopper or Scripting experience (yet) and cannot for the life of me figure out what is the best approach in modeling a tunnel resembling shattered glass panels. The frames holding these panels are different sizes and heights to follow the ground’s contour and create a tapered effect. The whole design idea is to create a tunnel out of CNC acrylic panels that look like they have a relatively consistent crack throughout - something that looks close to real life instead of just random panels so the ability to set a gap between would be great. Not sure if that is possible. I’ve drawn 5 versions of this by just manually moving the “shards” into place. It has barely passed the design ideation phase and now Im lost on actual construction. My best guess would be the Paneling Tools plugin? Any advice is greatly appreciated! I’ve attached the model in case anyone wants to take a closer look. Thank you!
Shatter Tunnel.3dm (1.5 MB)
I’ve done something similar with Swiss artist Carlo Borer…
We used Grasshopper to create a Voronoi diagram which was manipulated randomly and manually.
If it is only for the looks of it, you might get a result with an image texture…
If you really need geometry, I think you will want to learn Grasshopper. It’ll be easier to tweak the design.
This is awesome. I’m staring GH tutorials tonight.
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